Artificial Intelligence

Synthetic capabilities inspired by biological systems. They are designed to give a machine human skills such as listening, observing, reasoning and learning.

Machine learning

Systems designed to learn as humans do through observations of the environment without necessarily being programmed.

Task Automation

Eliminate the repetitive tasks of your team with the implementation of intelligent agents capable of reviewing emails and calls, summarize legal documents, create operational and executive reports, among others.

Understanding of data

The use of cognitive applications facilitates the analysis of internal and external data to find patterns of behavior that allow a business to respond more efficiently.

Customized experiences

Create or recommend products and services that meet the specific needs of each market or customer

Natural language processing

Use linguistic computing to give business processes the ability to interpret and interact with the human being.


Internationalize your company with the ability to interpret other languages.

Voice processing

Recognize and identify people in a conversation. With the recorded information, it carries out future analyzes that help the companies.


It offers automated conversational support with the ability to respond according to the context of the conversation.

Recognition of images

It gives a computer the ability to detect, recognize and validate objects and attributes within a video or digital image.

Recognition of patterns

Implements systems that identify and find objects, faces or marks in audiovisual media.

Sentiment analysis

It extracts information to correctly identify and analyze the content in audiovisual media.